Thursday, May 10, 2012

C51 Snakes - A Nokia inspired game built on 8051

I think all of us have played the famous snake game in nokia phones. It was one of the best game in its time. But not only in phone you can implement the same by using LEDs and microcontroller 8051. 

ABOUT :  The Nokia inspired Sanke game implemented on 8051 platform.

The game is built on AT89S51
MCU operating at 27MHz crystal frequency. The game uses

a 16 * 8 LED dot matrix display and five way keys for user interface. A dedicated
delay settings key provides one touch access to the delay settings mode where the
speed of the Snake can be adjusted. 

Features of game:

  • As in the original game, the Snake grows in size as it snatches the eggs
  • Eggs appear periodically on the screen at random pixels and will disappear
  • if not snatched within a certain period of time
  • The snake sees no boundaries at the edges of the display, will propagate
  • in to any edge and enter from the opposite edge
  • The Snake can be accelerated / decelerated on the fly
  • There is also a separate delay settings mode to adjust the Snake's speed
  • The game ends when the Snake collides with itself
  • The total eggs snatched is then displayed as the game score
  • The gaming console will hibernate if no user event occurs in 25secs! The
  • game can be resumed by pressing external interrupt / master reset keys!
The complete procedure for implementation is given in downloadable file. 

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