Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Solar Tracker (microcontroller based project)

While studying in collage I used to made four projects on solar system. But there was a problem with all of them and that was I need to change direction of my solar panels every time with change in direction of sun in sky. But now we have successfully made a project in which you no longer need to change direction manually. Your panels will get oriented towards sun automatically and get full access to sun light which you know ultimately increase your solar efficiency. 

What is Solar Tracer: A solar tracker is a device for orienting a day-lighting reflector, solar photovoltaic panel or concentrating solar reflector or lens toward the sun. The sun's position in the sky varies both with the seasons and time of day as the sun moves across the sky. Solar powered equipment works best when pointed at or near the sun, so a solar tracker can increase the effectiveness of such equipment over any fixed position, at the cost of additional system complexity. The hardware design is complete made from stuff that are available in any junkyard. Servo motor is taken from car door mirror system (also called Power windows system) and gear system is made from motorcycle chain small sprocket to rotate panel and a small cam-wood at servo side. You can see more images of gear system here. 

Requirement to make solar tracker: This solar tracker is build on a simple logic ICs, servo controller, Pulse Width Modulator and LDRs. Circuit is powered from a 12V battery. The two solar panels 15VAH each is connected to power up three 3W LEDs (switch controlled) and also charge a 12v 7AH battery. L298 and SG3525 are used to control servo motors and LDRs are used to detect the position of light source (sun).

How to make it: Download  full details about this. DOWNLOAD

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